Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Observations made by instruments ( “ Astronomy Principles and Practice”)

By : A E Roy and D Clarce
From The Book “ Astronomy Principles and Practice”

3.1 The subjectivity of simple measurements
One of the drawbacks of making astronomical observations by eye, with or without the advantage of supplementary equipment, is that they are very subjective. When results taken by several observers are compared, inconsistencies become apparent immediately. For example, if several observers time a lunar occultation (i.e. the disappearance of a star behind the lunar disc) at a given site by using stopwatches which are then compared with the observatory master clock, the timed event will have a small range of values. If several occultation timings are taken by the same group of observers, an analysis of the spread of values of each timing will show that certain observers are consistently later than others in operating the stop-watch. Each observer can be considered to have a personal equation which must be applied to any observation before comparing it with measurements taken by other observers.
The problem is complicated further as the personal equation of any observer can be timedependent. This might be a short-term variation depending on the well-being of the observer or it may be a long-term drift which only becomes apparent over a period of years as the observer ages. The first recorded example of such effects appears to have been noted by the fifth Astronomer Royal, Maskelyne, when he wrote in 1796 [Greenwich Observations 3]:
My assistant, Mr David Kinnebrook, who had observed transits of stars and planets very well in agreement with me all the year 1794 and for a great part of [1795], began from the beginning of August last to set them down half a second later than he should do according to my observations; and in January [1796] he increased his error to eight-tenths of a second. As he had unfortunately continued a considerable time in this error before I noticed it, and did not seem to me likely ever to get over it and return to the right method of observing, therefore, although with reluctance, as he was a diligent and useful assistant to me in other respects, I parted with him.
It is mainly due to this episode that the concept of the personal equation was explored some years later. In Maskelyne’s account of the reasons for Kinnebrook’s dismissal, he uses the term ‘right method of observing’, meaning by this that there were discrepancies between Kinnebrook’s results and his own and that Kinnebrook’s method of observation had deteriorated. It could well have been, of course, that the drift in Maskelyne’s own personal equation had occurred contributing to the discrepancies, or even accounting for them completely.
An example of short-term variations in the personal equation occurs in the determination of colour differences made directly by eye. It is well known that the sensitivity of colour depends appreciably on the individual observer; some people have poor ability to differentiate colours and may even be ‘colour-blind’. The colour sensitivity of each observer also depends on his or her condition. Under normal conditions the average eye is most sensitive to the green region of the spectrum. However, if the observer is removed to a darkened room, the eyes become accustomed to the dark and maximum sensitivity shifts towards the blue. After a period of about half an hour, the effect is very noticeable. If an observer is made to do violent exercise, the slight rise in the bodily temperature causes the sensitivity peak to move away from the normal position towards the red end of the spectrum. Thus, any determination of colour, being dependent on how the observer’s eye responds to colour, depends to a great extent on the condition of the observer and the particular circumstances of the observation.
3.2 Instrumentation in astronomy
As in the case of all of the sciences, instrumentation has been developed in astronomy so that the data provided by the observations are no longer subjective. Again, as in other sciences, the application of instrumentation immediately revealed that the scope for measurement is also extended. For example, when Galileo employed the telescope for astronomical observation, a new range of planetary phenomena was discovered and the number of observable stars was greatly increased. Since Galileo’s time, the whole range of observable phenomena has continued to grow with the application of each new type of observing equipment.
The instrumentation which was first applied to astronomy was designed so that the actual measurement of record was made by eye. When photographic material became available, the range of possible observation was immediately increased. This has now been further extended by the introduction of solid state devices in the form of CCDs (charge coupled devices). Whereas the eye is capable of being able to concentrate on only a few stars at a time in a star field, the photographic plate or CCD chip is able to record the light from every star in the field simultaneously. For a star to be seen by eye, the brightness must be above a certain threshold: the eye is not able to accumulate the energy it receives over a period of time to form an impression. The photographic plate and CCD, however, are able to do this and, if a time exposure is made, the resultant images depend on the total energy which falls on to the detector. Thus, besides being able to record many images simultaneously, these devices allow faint stars to be recorded which would not normally be seen by eye (see figure 3.1).
The variation of the sensitivity with wavelength of these detectors is also different to the eye. For example, photographic plates of different types are available with a range of spectral sensitivities. Some plates have their peak of sensitivity in the blue while others have their peak in the red. Bluesensitive plates will obviously give strong images for blue stars and not for the red, while red-sensitive plates give weak images for blue stars and strong images for red. By using two plates of different spectral sensitivity to photograph a star field, the fact that stars are coloured is easily demonstrated. Because of the physical process involved in the detection of radiation by a silicon-based solid state detector, the natural peak sensitivity tends to be in the red end of the spectrum but, again, the colour response of an applied detector can be modified at its manufacture.
Some special photographic materials are sensitive to colours which cannot be seen by the normal eye. The colour range of astronomical observations can be extended into the ultraviolet or the infrared by the choice of a particular photographic emulsion.
Thus, by recording the astronomical observation on a detector other than the eye, it is possible to extend the scope of the observation by looking at many objects simultaneously, by looking at a range of objects which are too faint for the eye to see and by looking at a much broader range of colour.
The range of available detectors has increased greatly since the photographic process was first applied to astronomy. Detectors based on the photoelectric effect have a common application. Detectors specially designed for infrared work can also be attached to optical telescopes. After the discovery that energy in the form of radio waves was arriving from outer space, special telescopes were designed with sensitive radio detectors at their foci and the era of radio astronomy was born. It is also apparent that our own atmosphere absorbs a large part of the energy arriving from outer space but, with the advent of high flying balloons and artificial satellites, these radiations are now available for measurement. New branches of γ -ray, x-ray and infrared astronomy are currently increasing the information that we have concerning the extra-terrestrial bodies.

Although the large range of detectors removes to a great extent the subjectivity of any measurement, special care is needed to avoid the introduction of systematic errors. Each detector acts as a transducer, in that energy with given qualities falls on to the detector and is converted to another form; this new form is then measured. For example, when radiation falls on the sensitive area of a photocathode, the energy is converted in the release of electrons which can be measured as a flow of electric current. The strength of the incident energy can be read as the needle deflection on a meter or converted to a digital form for direct processing by a computer.
The process of converting the incident radiation to a form of energy which is more acceptable for measurement is never one hundred per cent efficient and it is essential that the observer knows exactly how the recording system responds to a given quality and quantity of radiation. In other words, the whole of the equipment which is used to make an observation must be calibrated. The calibration can be calculated either by considering and combining the effects of each of the component parts of the equipment or it can be determined by making observations of assumed known, well-behaved objects. Because of the impossibility of having perfect calibration, systematic errors (hopefully very small) are likely to be introduced in astronomical measurements. It is one of the observer’s jobs to ensure that systematic errors are kept below specified limits, hopefully well below the random errors and noise associated with the particular experimental method.
Although every piece of observing equipment improves the process of measurement in some way, the very fact that the equipment and the radiation have interacted means that some of the information contained in the parameters describing the incident radiation does not show up in the final record and is lost. All the qualities present in the incident energy are not presented exactly in the record. Each piece of equipment may be thought of as having an instrumental profile. The instrumental profile of any equipment corresponds to the form of its output when it is presented with information which is considered to be perfect.
For example, when a telescope is directed to a point source (perfect information), the shape of the image which is produced (instrumental profile) does not correspond exactly with the source. The collected energy is not gathered to a point in the focal plane of the telescope but is spread out over a small area. The functional behaviour of the ‘blurring’ is normally referred to as the point spread function or PSF. For the best possible case, the PSF of the image of a point source is that of a diffraction pattern but inevitably there will be some small addition of aberrations caused by the defects of the optical system or blurring by atmospheric effects. If the recorded image is no larger than that of the instrumental profile, measurement of it gives only an upper limit to the size of the object. Detail within an extended object cannot be recorded with better resolution than the instrumental profile.
For any instrument, there is a limit to the ‘sharpness’ of the recorded information which can be gleaned from the incoming radiation. This limit set by the instrument, is frequently termed the resolving power of the instrument. In all cases there is an absolute limit to the resolving power of any given equipment and this can be predicted from theoretical considerations. Certain information may be present in the incoming radiation but unless an instrument is used with sufficient resolving power, this information will not be recorded and will be lost. When any given piece of equipment is used, it is usually the observer’s aim to keep the instrument in perfect adjustment so that its resolving power is as close as possible to the theoretical value.
As briefly mentioned earlier, as with all sciences involving quantitative observations, the measured signal carries noise with the consequence that the recording values are assigned uncertainties or errors. One of the ways of describing the quality of measurements is to estimate or to observe the noise on the signal and compare it with the strength of the signal. This comparison effectively determines the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement. Values of this ratio may be close to unity when a signal is just about detectable but may be as high as 1000:1 when precision photometry is being undertaken.
3.3 The role of the observer
Observational astronomy holds a special place in science in that, except for a very few instances, all the knowledge and information has been collected simply by measuring the radiation which arrives from space. It is not like the other laboratory sciences where the experimentalist is able to vary and control the environment or the conditions of the material under investigation. The ‘experiment’ is going on out in space and the astronomer collects the information by pointing the telescope in a particular direction and then analysing the radiation which is collected.
In interpreting the accumulated data, the reasonable assumption is made that the same physical laws discovered in the laboratory can be applied to matter wherever it is assembled in space. Many of the astronomical measurements, in fact, provide us with means of observing material under a range of conditions which are unattainable in the laboratory. In order to understand these conditions, it is sometimes necessary to provide an extension to the laboratory laws or even consider invoking new laws to describe the observed phenomena.
Laboratory analysis is practised on meteorite samples which are picked up from the surface of the Earth and on micrometeoritic material which is scooped up by rocket probes in the upper atmosphere. Some thirty years ago the Apollo and Lunakhod missions brought back our first samples of lunar material for laboratory study. Interplanetary space probes have sent and still are sending back new data from the experiments which they carry. They are able to transmit information about the planets that could not have been gained in any other way. Astronomers have also gleaned information about the planets by using radar beams. However, all these active experiments and observations are limited to the inner parts of the Solar System, to distances from the Earth which are extremely small in relation to distances between the stars.
When it comes to stellar work, the experiments, whether on board space vehicles or Earth satellites, or at the bottom of the Earth’s atmosphere, are more passive. They involve the measurement and analysis of radiation which happens to come from a particular direction at a particular time. It is very true to say that practically the whole of the information and knowledge which has been built up of the outside Universe has been obtained in this way, by the patient analysis of the energy which arrives constantly from space.
As yet, the greater part of this knowledge has been built up by the observer using ground-based telescopes though in recent years a wide variety of artificial satellite-based telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope and Hipparcos have added greatly to our knowledge. The incoming radiation is measured in terms of its direction of arrival, its intensity, its polarization and their changes with time by appending analysing equipment to the radiation collector and recording the information by using suitable devices. The eye no longer plays a primary role here. If the radiation has passed through the Earth’s atmosphere, the measurements are likely to have reduced quality, in that they are subject to distortions and may be more uncertain or exhibit an increase of noise. In most cases, however, these effects can be allowed for, or compensated for, at least to some degree.
The task of the observer might be summarized as being one where the aim is to collect data with maximum efficiency, over the widest spectral range, so that the greatest amount of information is collected accurately in the shortest possible time, all performed with the highest possible signal-tonoise ratio. Before the data can be assessed, allowances must be made for the effects of the radiation’s passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and corrections must be applied because of the particular position of the observer’s site and the individual properties of the observing equipment.
It may be noted here also that with the advent of computers, more and more observational work is automated, taking the astronomer away from the ‘hands-on’ control of the telescope and the interface of the data collection. This certainly takes away some of the physical demands made of the observer who formally operated in the open air environment of the telescope dome sometimes in sub-zero temperatures. Accruing data can also be assessed in real time so providing instant estimates as to its quality and allowing informed decisions to be made as to how the measurements should proceed. In several regards, the application of computers to the overall observational schemes have made the data more objective—but some subtleties associated with operational subjectivity do remain, as every computer technologist knows.
We cannot end this chapter without mentioning the role of the theoretical astronomers. Part of their tasks is to take the data gathered by the observers and use them to enlarge and clarify our picture of the Universe. Their deductions may lead to new observational programmes which will then support their theories or cast doubt upon their validity.
Several comments may be made here.
It goes without saying that an astronomer may be both theoretician and observer, though many workers tend to specialize in one field or the other. Again, it has been estimated that for each hour of data collecting, many hours are spent reducing the observations, gleaning the last iota of information from them and pondering their relevance in our efforts to understand the Universe. The development of astronomical theories often involves long and complicated mathematics, in areas such as celestial mechanics (the theory of orbits), stellar atmospheres and interiors and cosmology. Happily in recent years, the use of the ubiquitous computer has aided tremendously the theoretician working in these fields.

CHAPTER 01Naked Eye Observations (“ Astronomy Principles and Practice”) 

CHAPTER 02 Ancient World Models ( “ Astronomy Principles and Practice”)

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