Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

The astronomer’s measurements ( “ Astronomy Principles and Practice”)

Chapter 5
The astronomer’s measurements
By : A E Roy and D Clarce
From The Book “ Astronomy Principles and Practice”
5.1 Introduction
We have now seen that one of the chief aims of the observational astronomer is to measure the electromagnetic radiation which is arriving from space. The measurements involve:
1. the determination of the direction of arrival of the radiation (see section 5.2);
2. the determination of the strength of the radiation, i.e. the brightness of the source (see section 5.3);
3. the determination of the radiation’s polarization qualities (see section 5.4).
All three types of measurement must be investigated over the frequency range where the energy can be detected by the suitably available detectors. They must also be investigated for their dependence on time.
Let us now consider the three types of measurement in a little more detail.
5.2 Direction of arrival of the radiation
Measurements of the direction of arrival of radiation are equivalent to determining the positions of objects on the celestial sphere. In the case of the optical region of the spectrum, the apparent size of each star is smaller than the instrumental profile of even the best recording instrument. To all intents and purposes, stars may, therefore, be treated as point sources and their positions may be marked as points on the celestial sphere. For extended objects such as nebulae and for radiation in the radio region, the energy from small parts of the source can be recorded with a spatial resolution limited only by the instrumental profile of the measuring instrument. Again the strength of the radiation can be plotted on the celestial sphere for the positions where a recording has been made.
In order to plot the positions on the celestial sphere of the sources of radiation, it is obvious that some coordinate system with reference points is needed. For the system to be of real use, it must be independent of the observer’s position on the Earth. The coordinate system used has axes known as right ascension (RA or α) and declination (Dec or δ). RA and Dec can be compared to the coordinate system of longitude and latitude for expressing a particular position on the Earth’s surface.
The central part of figure 5.1 depicts the Earth and illustrates the reference circles of the equator and the Greenwich meridian. The position of a point on the Earth’s surface has been marked together with the longitude (λ W) and latitude (φ N), angles which pinpoint this position.
The outer sphere on figure 5.1 represents the celestial sphere on which the energy source positions are recorded. The reference circle of the celestial equator corresponds to the projection of the Earth’s equator on to the celestial sphere and the declination (δ*) of a star’s position is analogous to the latitude angle of a point on the Earth’s surface. As the Earth is rotating under the celestial sphere, the projection of the Greenwich meridian would sweep round the sphere, passing through all the stars’ positions in turn. In order to label the stars’ positions, therefore, some other meridian must be chosen which is connected directly to the celestial sphere.
During the course of the year, the Sun progresses eastwards round the celestial sphere along an apparent path known as the ecliptic. Because the Earth’s axis of rotation is set at an angle to the perpendicular to its orbital plane around the Sun, the ecliptic circle is set at the same angle to the celestial equator. The points of intersection of the circles may be used as reference points on the celestial equator; however,
 it is the intersection where the Sun crosses the equator from south to north which is chosen as the reference point. This position which is fixed with respect to the stellar background is known as the first point of Aries, ϒ, or the vernal equinox (see figure 5.1). The meridian through this point corresponds to RA = 0 hr.
Any stars which happen to be on the observer’s meridian (north–south line projected on the celestial sphere) are related in position to the reference meridian on the celestial sphere by time. Consequently, a star’s position in RA is normally expressed in terms of hours, minutes and seconds of time rather than in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc. By convention, values of RA increase in an easterly direction round the celestial sphere. As a result, the sky acts as a clock in that the passage of stars across the meridian occurs at later times according to their RA values. A star’s position in declination is expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc and is positive or negative depending on whether it is in the northern or southern celestial hemisphere.
For an observer at the bottom of the Earth’s atmosphere, the problem of recording the energy source positions in terms of RA and Dec is made difficult by the very existence of the atmosphere. The direction of propagation of any radiation is affected, in general, when it meets a medium where there is a change in the refractive index. In particular, for astronomical observations made in the optical region of the spectrum, the change of direction increases progressively as the radiation penetrates deeper into the denser layers of the atmosphere. The curvature of a beam of light from a star is depicted in figure 5.2. Lines illustrating the true direction and the apparent direction of a given star are drawn in the figure. The   amount of refraction increases rapidly as the star’s position becomes closer to the observer’s horizon.

At a true altitude of 1 degree, the amount of refraction is approximately a quarter of a degree. There is, however, a simple method for estimating how much a star’s position is disturbed by refraction and this can be applied to all observations.
Because of turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere, the apparent direction of propagation moves about by small amounts in a random fashion. Normal positional measurements are, therefore, difficult to make as any image produced for positional determination will be blurred. For the optical region of the spectrum, it is in the first few hundred metres above the telescope aperture which give the greatest contribution to the blurring. It is, therefore, impossible to record a star as a point image but only as a blurred-out patch. For field imaging work this may not be too serious; it should not be difficult to find the centre of the blurred image as this would still retain circular symmetry. In the case of positional measurements by eye (no longer made by professional astronomers), the problem is more serious as the eye is trying to make an assessment of an instantaneous image which is in constant motion.
In the radio region, positional measurements can also be affected by refraction in the ionosphere and in the lower atmosphere. The amount of refraction varies considerably with the wavelength of the radiation which is observed. For the refraction caused by the ionosphere, a typical value of the deviation for radiation at a frequency of 60 MHz is 20 minutes of arc at 5◦ true altitude. The refraction in the lower atmosphere is mainly due to water droplets and is hence dependent on the weather. The measured effect is approximately twice the amount which is apparent in the optical region. A typical value of the deviation is 0·◦5 at a true altitude of 1◦ and the effect increases rapidly with increasing altitude in the same way as in the case of the optical radiation.
It is obvious that all positional measurements can be improved by removing the effects of refraction and of turbulence and this can now be done by setting up equipment above the Earth’s atmosphere, in an orbiting satellite or on the Moon’s surface.
5.3 Brightness
5.3.1 Factors affecting brightness
Not all the radiation which is incident on the outer atmosphere of the Earth is able to penetrate to a ground-based observer. The radiations of a large part of the frequency spectrum are either absorbed or reflected back into space and are consequently unavailable for measurement from the ground. The atmosphere is said to possess a window in any region of the spectrum which allows astronomical measurements.
Frequencies higher than those of ultraviolet light are all absorbed by a layer of ozone in the stratosphere which exists some 24 km above the Earth. Until the advent of space research, x-rays and γ -rays had not been detected from astronomical objects.
On the other side of the frequency band corresponding to visible radiation, a cut-off appears in the infrared. The absorption in this part of the spectrum is caused by molecules, chiefly water vapour. This cut-off is not very sharp and there are occasional windows in the infrared which are utilized for making observations. The absorption remains practically complete until the millimetre-wave region, where again a window appears. Over a broad part of the radio spectral range, the ionosphere lets through the radiation and the measurement of this form of energy belongs to the realm of the radio astronomer.
The two main windows for observation are depicted in figure 5.3. It may be pointed out that the boundaries are not as sharp as shown in this diagram. Comparison of the spectral widths of the main windows with the whole of the electromagnetic spectrum reveals the large range of frequencies which are unavailable to the ground-based observer and the potential information that is lost.
Above the Earth’s atmosphere, however, the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum is available. It has been one of the first tasks of the orbiting observatories and will eventually be that of lunar-based telescopes to make surveys and measurements of the sky in the spectral regions which had previously been unavailable.
For ground-based observations made through the transparent windows, corrections still need to be applied to measurements of the strength of any incoming radiation. This is particularly important for measurements made of optical radiation. By the time a beam of light has penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere, a large fraction of the energy has been lost, and stars appear to be less bright than they would be if they were to be viewed above the Earth’s atmosphere.
If an observing site is in an area where the air is pure and has little dust or smog content, most of the lost energy in the optical region is scattered out of the beam by the atoms and molecules in the air. This type of scattering is known as Rayleigh scattering. According to Lord Rayleigh’s theory, atoms and molecules
 of any gas should scatter light with an efficiency which is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength (i.e. the scattering efficiency 14). Thus blue light, with a short wavelength, is scattered more easily than red light, which has a longer wavelength. Rayleigh’s law immediately gives the reason for the blueness of the daytime sky. During the day, some light, with its broad spectral range, is incident on the atmosphere. As it penetrates towards the ground, part of the energy is scattered in all directions by the molecules in the air. It is this scattered light which the observer sees as the sky. As the scattering process is extremely efficient for the shorter wavelengths, the sky consequently appears blue. When the Moon is observed in the daytime, a blue haze can be seen between it and the observer. This haze is a result of the scattering of some light by the molecules in the atmosphere along the path to the Moon’s direction.
Starlight, in its path through the Earth’s atmosphere, is weakened by this same process of scattering. As the scattering is wavelength dependent, so must be the weakening. The apparent absorption of starlight, or its extinction, is very much stronger in the blue part of the spectrum than in the red (see figure 5.4). Thus the colours of the stars are distorted because of the passage of their radiation through the Earth’s atmosphere. If colour measurements are to be attempted, then allowances must be made for the wavelength-selective extinction effects.
The amount of extinction obviously depends on the total number of molecules that the light beam encounters on its passage through the atmosphere, i.e. it depends on the light path. Thus the amount of extinction depends on the altitude of any given star. The light loss is at a minimum for any particular observing site when the star is positioned at the zenith. Even at this optimum position, the total transmission of visible light may only be typically 75%.
As a consequence of the extinction being dependent on a star’s altitude, any star will show changes in its apparent brightness during the course of a night as it rises, comes to culmination and then sets. Great care must be exercised when comparisons are made of the brightnesses of stars, especially when the stars cover a wide range of altitudes.
Radio energy is also absorbed on its passage through the layer of electrified particles known as the ionosphere. Further absorption occurs in the lower atmosphere. The amount of absorption is dependent on the particular frequency which is observed. Ionospheric absorption depends on the physical conditions within the layers and, as these are controlled to some extent by the activity on the Sun, the amount of absorption at some frequencies can vary greatly. Refraction caused by the ionosphere can also give rise to the diminution of radio signals. At low altitudes, the ionosphere can spread the radiation in the same way as a divergent lens, thus reducing the amount of energy which is collected by a given radio telescope.
In the lower atmosphere, the radio energy losses are caused by attenuation in rain clouds and absorption by water vapour and oxygen and they are thus dependent on the weather. However, lower atmosphere absorption effects are usually unimportant at wavelengths greater than 100 mm.
Returning again to the optical region, simple naked eye observations reveal that the light from a star suffers rapid variations of apparent brightness. This twinkling effect is known as intensity scintillation and the departures of intensity from a mean level are known as scintillation noise. Scintillation is caused by turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere rather than by fluctuations in the scattering and absorption; it is certainly not an inherent property of the stars. Minute temperature differences in the turbulent eddies in the atmosphere give rise to pockets of air with small differences in refractive index. Different parts of the light beam from a star suffer random disturbances in their direction of travel. For brief instances, some parts of the energy are refracted beyond the edge of the telescope collecting area, causing a drop in the total energy which is collected. There are other instances when extra energy is refracted into the telescope aperture. Thus, the energy which is collected shows rapid fluctuations in its strength. The magnitude of the effect decreases as the telescope aperture increases, there being a better averaging out of the effect over a larger aperture. Scintillation is very noticeable to the naked eye as its collecting aperture is only a few millimetres in diameter.
Brightness measurements are obtained by taking mean values through the scintillation noise and they are, therefore, subject to uncertainties of a random nature. The magnitude of these uncertainties depends on the strength of the scintillation noise, which in turn depends on the quality of the observing site, on the telescope system used and on the altitude of the star.
Scintillation is also encountered in the radio region of the spectrum and is mainly caused by inhomogeneities in the ionosphere. The fluctuations of signal strength which are observed are less rapid than those recorded in the optical region.
Although scintillation effects are detrimental to obtaining accurate measurements of a source’s brightness, studies of the form of scintillation noise itself, in both the optical and radio regions, are useful in gaining information about the Earth’s atmosphere, upper winds and the ionosphere.
Although allowances can be made successfully for the effects of atmospheric extinction, it is obvious that absolute brightness measurements, brightness comparisons and colour measurements could be made more easily, with less risk of large random and systematic errors, above the Earth’s atmosphere. Again, such measurements can be made by equipment on an orbiting platform or at a lunar observing station.
5.3.2 The magnitude system
The energy arriving from any astronomical body can, in principle, be measured absolutely. The brightness of any point source can be determined in terms of the number of watts which are collected by a telescope of a given size. For extended objects similar measurements can be made of the surface brightness. These types of measurement can be applied to any part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
However, in the optical part of the spectrum, absolutely brightness measurements are rarely made directly; they are usually obtained by comparison with a set of stars which are chosen to act as standards. The first brightness comparisons were, of course, made directly by eye. In the classification introduced by Hipparchus, the visible stars were divided into six groups. The brightest stars were labelled as being of first magnitude and the faintest which could just be detected by eye were labeled as being of sixth magnitude. Stars with the brightnesses between these limits were labelled as second, third, fourth or fifth magnitude, depending on how bright the star appeared.
The advent of the telescope allowed stars to be recorded with magnitudes greater than sixth; catalogues of the eighteenth century record stars of seventh, eighth and ninth magnitude. At the other end of the scale, photometers attached to telescopes revealed that some stars were brighter than the first magnitude classification and so the scale was extended to include zero and even negative magnitude stars. The range of brightnesses amongst the stars revealed that it is necessary to subdivide the unit of magnitude. The stars visible to the naked eye could have magnitudes of −0·14, +2·83 or +5·86, say, while stars which can only be detected with the use of a telescope could have magnitudes are of +6·76, +8·54 or even as faint as +23.
A more complete description of magnitude systems together with the underlying mathematical relationships is reserved for Part 3.
5.4 Polarization
The presence of any polarization in radiation can be detected by using special devices which are sensitive to its orientation properties. They are placed in the train of instrumentation between the telescope and the detector and rotated. If the recorded signal varies as a device rotates, then the radiation is polarized to some extent. The greater the variation of the signal, the stronger is the amount of polarization in the beam.
In the case of measurements in the optical region, the polarization-sensitive devices would be the modern equivalents of the Nicol prism and retardation plates made of some birefringent material. Brightness measurements are made after placing these devices in the beam of light collected by the telescope. Although the Earth’s atmosphere affects the brightness of any light beam, the polarization properties are unaltered by the beam’s passage through the atmosphere; at least, any disturbance is smaller than would be detected by current polarimetric techniques. However, since polarization determinations result from brightness measurements, the atmosphere will reduce their quality because of scintillation and transparency fluctuations.
For the radio region, the receiving antenna such as a dipole is itself inherently sensitive to polarization. If the radio radiation is polarized, the strength of the recorded signal depends on the orientation of the antenna in the beam. Simple observation of TV receiving antenna on house roof tops demonstrates the dipole’s orientational sensitivity. In some locations the dipole and the guiding rods are in a horizontal plane. In other areas they are seen to be in a vertical plane. This difference reflects the fact that the transmitting antenna may radiate a TV signal with a horizontal polarization while another at a different location may radiate with a vertical polarization, this helping to prevent interference between the two signals. Obviously, to obtain the best reception, the receiving antenna needs to be pointed in the direction of the transmitter and its orientation set (horizontal or vertical) to match the polarizational form of the signal.
Unlike the optical region, the polarization characteristics of radio radiation are altered significantly by passage through the Earth’s atmosphere or ionosphere. The magnitude of the effects are very dependent on the frequency of the incoming radiation. Perhaps the most important effect is that due to Faraday rotation: as polarized radiation passes through the ionospheric layers, all the component vibrational planes of the waves are rotated resulting in a rotation of the angle describing the polarization. The total rotation depends on the physical properties within the layers, the path length of the beam and the frequency of the radiation. According to the frequency, the total rotation may be a few degrees or a few full rotations. It can thus be a difficult task to determine the original direction of vibration of any polarized radio radiation as it arrives from above the Earth’s atmosphere.
As was the case for positional and brightness measurements, the quality of polarization measurements can be greatly improved if they are made above the Earth’s atmosphere, either from an orbiting space laboratory or from the Moon’s surface. In addition, orbiting satellites have been used to house radio transmitters and direct measurements made on the Faraday rotation effect have beenused to explore the properties of the ionosphere.
5.5 Time
If measurements of the positions, brightnesses and polarization of astronomical sources are repeated, the passage of time reveals that, in some cases, the position of the source or some property of its radiation changes. These time variations of the measured values are of great importance in determining many of the physical properties of the radiating sources. It is, therefore, very necessary that the times of all observations and measurements must be recorded. The accuracy to which time must be recorded obviously depends on the type of observation which is being attempted.
It would be out of place here to enter into a philosophical discussion on the nature of time. However, it might be said that some concept which is called time is necessary to enable the physical and mechanical descriptions of any body in the Universe and its interactions with other bodies to be related. One of the properties of any time scale which would be appealing from certain philosophical standpoints is that time should flow evenly. It is, therefore, the aim of any timekeeping system that it should not show fluctuations in the rate at which the flow of time is recorded. If fluctuations are present in any system, they can only be revealed by comparison with clocks which are superior in accuracy and stability. Timekeeping systems have changed their form as clocks of increased accuracy have been developed; early clocks depended on the flow of sand or water through an orifice, while the most modern clocks depend on processes which are generated inside atoms.
About a century ago, the rotation of the Earth was taken as a standard interval of time which could be divided first into 24 parts to obtain the unit of an hour. Each hour was then subdivided into a further 60 parts to obtain the minute, each minute itself being subdivided into a further 60 parts to obtain the second. This system of timekeeping is obtained directly from astronomical observation, and is related to the interval between successive appearances of stars at particular positions in the sky. For practical convenience, the north–south line, or meridian, passing through the observatory is taken as a reference line and appearances of stars on this meridian are noted against some laboratory timekeeping device. As laboratory pendulum clocks improved in timekeeping precision, it became apparent from the meridian transit observations that the Earth suffered irregularities in the rate of its rotation. These irregularities are more easily shown up nowadays by laboratory clocks which are superior in precision to the now old-fashioned pendulum clock.
At best, a pendulum clock is capable of accuracy of a few hundredths of a second per day. A quartz crystal clock, which relies on a basic frequency provided by the vibrations of the crystal in an electronic circuit, can give an accuracy better than a millisecond per day, or of the order of one part in 108; and this is usually more than sufficient for the majority of astronomical observations. Even more accurate sources of frequency can be obtained from atomic transitions. In particular, the clock which relies on the frequency which can be generated by caesium atoms provides a source of time reference which is accurate to one part in 1011. The caesium clock also provides the link between an extremely accurate determination of time intervals and the constants of nature which are used to describe the properties of atoms.
Armed with such high-precision clocks, the irregularities in the rotational period of the Earth can be studied. Some of the short-term variations are shown to be a result of themovement of the observer’s meridian due to motion of the rotational pole over the Earth’s surface. Other variations are seasonally dependent and probably result in part from the constantly changing distribution of ice over the Earth’s surface. Over the period of one year, a typical seasonal variation of the rotational period may be of the order of two parts in 108.
Over and above the minute changes, it is apparent that the Earth’s rotational speed is slowing down progressively. The retardation, to a great extent, is produced by the friction which is generated by the tidal movement of the oceans and seas and is thus connected to the motion of the Moon. The effects of the retardation show up well in the apparent motions of the bodies of the Solar System.
After the orbit of a planet has been determined, its positions at future times may be predicted. The methods employed make use of laws which assume that time is flowing evenly. The predictions, or ephemeris positions, can later be checked by observation as time goes by. If an observer uses the rotation of the Earth to measure the passage of time between the time when the predictions are made and the time of the observation, and unknowingly assumes the Earth’s rotational period to be constant, it is found that the planets creep ahead of their ephemeris positions at rates which are proportional to their mean motions. The phenomenon is most pronounced in the case of the Moon.
Suppose that a time interval elapses between the time the calculations are performed and the time that the ephemeris positions are checked by observation. The time interval measured by the rotation of the Earth might be counted as a certain number of units. However, as the Earth’s rotation is continuously slowing down and the length of the time unit is progressively increasing in comparison with the unit of an evenly-flowing scale, the time interval corresponds to a larger number of units on an evenly-flowing scale. Unknown to the observer who takes the unit of time from the Earth’s rotation, the real time interval is actually longer than he/she has measured it to be and the planets, therefore, progress further along their orbits than is anticipated. Thus, the once unexplained ‘additional motions’ of the planets and the Moon are now known to be caused by the fact that the Earth’s rotational period slows down during the interval between the times of prediction and of observation.
It is now practice to relate astronomical predictions to a time scale which is flowing evenly, at least to the accuracy of the best clocks available. This scale is known as Dynamical Time (DT).

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